2022-2023 BPLA Executive Board







PRESIDENT: Christina chaperon

Christina is the 2024-2025 President of the Harvard Undergraduate Black Pre-Law Association. Christina is a senior in Adams House studying Sociology on the Data Analytics track with a secondary in French. On campus, she is involved with the Harvard Caribbean Club, Harvard Undergraduate Law Review, and Harvard Model Congress. Outside of campus, she volunteers with Greater Boston Legal Services. Christina is excited to strengthen the Black Pre-Law community through engaging programming, comprehensive resources, and opportunities to connect with alums and other pre-law students!



Yosely is the 2024-2025 Vice-President of BPLA. Yosely is a senior in Leverett House studying Government on the Political Economy track. Outside of BPLA, Yosely volunteers for the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Advocacy Clinic and Small Claims Advisory Service. Yosely looks forward to expanding the resources that Pre-Law students have access to on campus and forging a strong community of Black Pre-Law students on campus so they can continue to feel confident and supported on their undergraduate path to law school


TREASURER: Nevaeh Dos Santos

Nevaeh is the 2024-2025 Treasurer of BLPA. Nevaeh is a sophomore living in Leverett house. Nevaeh is intending to study Economics and is considering studying Government and/or Computer Science. Outside of BPLA, Nevaeh is the President of Business Brilliance at Harvard and a Graphic Designer on their marketing team. She is also the 2024-2025 Treasurer for Greener Scott Scholars mentorship program (GSS). She is also part of other organizations such as IOP and HFAC. Nevaeh is excited about her role as Treasurer for BPLA  as she hopes to get more money for the club and direct the finances in a way that can be used for amazing events and building membership.








Co-Director OF PARTNERSHIPS: Hannah girma

Hannah is a sophomore in Lowell House and intends to concentrate in psychology and economics. Outside of BPLA, she is involved in the Undergraduate Law Review, Philosophy Review, Small Claims Advisory Service, and Honor Council. She is also an active member of the Eritrean and Ethiopian Students Association. Hannah looks forward to serving as one of the Co-Directors of Partnerships for BPLA. She is excited to work with the other members of the executive board to create another great year of community and events for Harvard’s Black pre-law students!




Lauren is the 2024-2025 Co-Director of Partnerships of BPLA. Lauren is a sophomore in Quincy house, studying Government with a secondary in Psychology. Outside of BPLA, Lauren serves as the Political Action chair of the Association of Black Harvard Women and the community chair of CIVICS. Lauren dedicates time to the community through her work with Harvard VITA providing free tax preparation services to local Cambridge residents. She is excited to craft greater opportunities for Black pre-law students to further explore their interests and aspirations in law.


DIRECTOR OF Communications: Tenzin Gund-morrow

Tenzin is the 2024-2025 BPLA Director of Communications. Tenzin is a junior in Kirkland House studying Social Studies with a focus in Criminal Justice Policy. Outside of BPLA, Tenzin serves as Chair of the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum as well as the Fellows Search Committee at the Harvard Institute of Politics. He is also a student representative to the Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery Initiative and a member of the Arts Board of the Harvard Advocate. Tenzin is hoping to spend his time on the BPLA board sharing his passion for policy and public interest law and furthering the ultimate mission of diversifying America's future legal experts.